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Latest update RGWhatsApp v1.3.0

RGWhatsApp - v1.3.0

Download RGWhatsApp latest version now and enjoy its elite features. RGWhatsApp upgraded version is anti-ban along with recently added advanced features in Sep 2024. Install RGWhatsApp and enjoy prime messaging experience.

Info RGWhatsApp:

Name RGWhatsApp
Size 96MB
Version 1.3.0
date Opload 01-10-2024
Package com.rgwhatsapp com.universe.messenger
Dev Omar
Update On YouTube


WhatsApp RGWhatsApp is a modification of a third-party application that provides additional features that are not found in the official application. Some of the advantages include::


• Fitur Privasi
Despite being a third-party WhatsApp extension, it offers some dominating privacy features that exceed official WhatsApp. One of the most beautiful features is that you can leave a group without letting anyone know. Personally, there have been many times when I've had to leave some groups of friends who were clingy without even making them feel bad. So the RGWhatsApp feature helps me a lot..

• Kustomisasi
This modded extension does not hamper your creativity to modify WhatsApp according to your choice. You have complete control over customizing text, fonts, emoji, bar size and color, background color, and icons. In fact, with RGWhatsApp, there are lots of fun ways to beautify your WhatsApp.

• Additional Features
Additionally, it allows many amazing options like Double Tap Reactions, Group Admin indicators, and custom wallpapers per contact. Without mentioning everything here, I leave it to you to explore that comprehensive APK.

separate groups:
Users can separate group chats and private chats by enabling the Separate Groups & Chats option on Home screen settings.

• Fitur Kontrol
Second, from now on, you can choose who you can see online. Thirdly, It gives you blue tick controls that you can use in your daily communication wisely. And the list goes on. With this extension, you will have more control over your online presence and can use it according to your needs.

RGWhatsApp update against blocking. Conversations are password protected, to prevent anyone from interfering with your private chats or conversations. Protection and security to prevent any access or intrusion. Ability to pin up to 30 conversations or contacts instead of 25 as before. Easy to add New WhatsApp features according to your wishes. Hide callers now, to protect privacy and prevent embarrassment. which is a feature available in the RGWhatsApp application..

• Enhanced Communication
Why do we use WhatsApp? It makes our communication easy and enjoyable. But this APK brings further innovation to your communications. Thus, you can add cute emojis to every chat just by downloading a sticker plugin. Secondly, you can create auto-reply responses if you want to engage your audience intelligently.

• In-App Translation
The smart choice of in-app translations is what is unique about this WhatsApp MOD extension. Other in-chat translated languages ​​include Vietnamese, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Punjabi, and Bengali. So, from now on, no language will be new to you. With this APK, you can communicate with people from all over the world without language barriers.

• Anti Look Once
Enabling 'Anti view once', you can watch images, videos and files that have been marked by the sender to only be 'viewed once'. This feature offers additional privacy and control over your content.

• Improved Attachment Options
It has improved its attachment options more than ever, making sending and receiving files and media even easier. This feature allows you to share files, photos, and videos easily.

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